About Us





Trademark Title A Real All-American story.  




Trademark Title was founded in Fort Wayne, Indiana in late 2007 as a locally owned, full-service title agency handling every type of real estate transaction. This includes purchase, refinance, residential, commercial, cash and property reports. Trademark also offers mobile and mail away closings. Trademark Title has become one of Indiana’s most recognized, respected, and fastest growing title agencies, becoming Stewart Guarantee’s #1 Indiana title agency. Trademark Title currently has 7 closing offices throughout the state and has grown to 50 team members. 

Trademark Title has now been presented with the Stewart Title “Circle of Excellence” award 4 consecutive years.
This is given to Stewart’s #1 independent title agent in the state of Indiana who leads the state in
remittance to Stewart,
coupled with no claims that result as a loss to Stewart.

Trademark Title has also been fortunate enough to give back to the community through contributing to many local charities and sponsoring youth sports teams. They are also members of many local organizations such as Upstar and ILTA. Even with the incredible growth and success of Trademark Title, they will never stray from their roots of what worked in the first place. They realize that it’s their incredible, loyal customers who are the reason for their success and could not be more grateful for their continued trust with their company. Thank you for your Loyalty and Trust in Trademark Title.


We’d love to earn your business. Contact us today to meet, chat about your needs, and learn more about how Trademark can help you grow your business with successful closings. 


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